(Simple strategies all can use to improve memory and concentration)
Technology made our life easy, contrary, forced us to depend on it. Undoubtedly, Gadgets are now our go to option for various tasks. But somewhere, this comfort is seizing our mental and physical health.
This change in lifestyle had a major impact on our memory retention and concentration. Reports states, every 1 out of 10 U.S personnel is facing memory related issues after age of 45.
As every problem has a solution, Let’s check 10 effective strategies you can follow to improve memory and concentration.
1. Eat healthy.
Food play a vital role in functioning our brain and body. Consumption of brain boosting diet improves both short term and long term memory. Researchers found out, eating food rich in antioxidants helps to keep our memory young. Also, nutrients like Omega-3, supports brain to repair quickly and providing neurological balance.
Fish, seafood, nuts and seeds, plant oil, salmon contains good amount of Omega-3 fatty acids.
In a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, participants consuming higher caffeine scored higher in brainpower test.
Even, green vegetables contains good amount of cerebrum friendly nutrients like Vitamin k, lutein, beta carotene etc. Those who face problem in learning new things, concentrating, or trouble in remembering things, will get benefitted eating plant based food.
2. Take good sleep.
An exhausted mind can’t retain information to it’s full ability. Despite knowing mind is worn out, putting pressure on it won’t work. And it will worsen the brain condition. There are 3 main functions to describe memory and learning.
Acquisition – Introduction of new information into the brain.
Consolidation– Process through which memory becomes stable.
Recall – Accessing the stored information.
Acquisition and recall occur only in wakeful condition, Whereas, only consolidation take place during sleep. Therefore, good sleep is important to improve memory and concentration. Not only this improves connection between brain cells, but also, transferring information from one brain region to other. On an average 7-9 hours rest is healthy for neurological system. So it’s important to break bad habits like sleeping late and adapt some good ones.
3. Master new skills.
Lifting same weight every day wouldn’t make muscles strong. Similarly, not learning new things freezes brain development. Understand that memory isn’t something that decays by continuous usage. Instead, it gets strong.
It implies, keeping mind challenged sharpens memory. That’s because learning new skills brings various challenges to the brain. Thus, it activates various neural connections.
In a study, 300 people were divided into 2 groups. Where, first group attempted learning new skills, the second performed routine tasks or learned nothing new. The results manifest, first group displayed improved memory retention ,but, not much changes registered in memory of second group. This proves, learning new skills ensures healthy functioning of mind in older age.
4. Use mnemonics.
Each person has its unique way of understanding and evaluating the information. Thus, storing or packaging data in special format helps the information, to get align with current neural system.
“Mnemonics” is a simple method of “Re-packaging” any information. It’s all about finding a relatable word as replacement of the original information.
One of such popular mnemonics is “ROY G. BIV” (for the colors of the rainbow). It’s better to maintain a diary for easier mnemonics recall. Also, adding a unique rhythm or rhyme make it easy to sink in an information.
5. Chunk the data.
Complex data with a longer format is always difficult to remember. Often, important phone numbers, number plate of vehicles or full name of colleagues are hard to remember.
One effective remedy of this problem is to chunk the information. Chunking is a technique of dividing an information into multiple units. Then memorize these units individually. That’s similar to recalling things in part and then combining them.
Consider a grocery list-
{bread, shampoo, coffee, soap, hair oil, butter, moisturizer, sugar}. Let’s chunk the list according to their use at home:-
Bread, butter – Breakfast
Shampoo, Soap – Washroom
Hari oil, moisturizer – Body care
Sugar, coffee – Kitchen
Isn’t that an easy way to remember a long list. Still a lot of practice is required to use this technique more efficiently. But eventually it will improve your memory and concentration.
6. Focus on cues.
We get triggers from surroundings which helps to recollect a memory. There are many things you can recall by simply focusing on environment around an incident.
Things like remembering names, exam answers, places etc. need to be stored in long-term memory. But before storing any information, the mind needs to encode it. The encoding should be relevant to the information and meaningful.
For example, making notes in an environment similar to exam hall ( sheet, water bottle, sitting postures, study table). The similarity between the surroundings will leave many cues to mind.
Also, while driving to a known destination, surroundings trigger mind to slow down before a fix distance. While you might shoot ahead, driving to a less familiar destination.
The ability to create relevance between surroundings and task , shortens the information retrieving time. Hence, to access data from mind faster, focus on cues more.
7. Avoid Stress.
Stress is one of the main reason of loosing memory power. Corticotopin and cortisol are the hormones produced during stress. The hormone corticotopin , affects short term memory, and disrupt how brain collects and stores memory. Whereas cortisol, affects the long term memory, creating problems in accessing already stored information.
Taking too much pressure on mind can affect severe areas of brain. This can cause long term impairment of nervous system. Remember, weaken nerves will give weak response to every request of information retrieval. Stress not only affects mental health, it also affects work performance.
If experiencing severe stress, you should contact a psychiatrist. Even regular exercise and meditation can give huge relief from stress.
8. Practice Brainstorming.
One amazing way to increase your memory, is practicing brainstorming. Researchers find out that solving out puzzles, such as crosswords, increase brain functioning.
Brain responds positively when sent on mission. This technique helps brain to accept challenges, and performing well in confusing situation. Along with that, idea generation and problem solving are its additional benefits.
Studies also states that watching detective movies, series, books, surprisingly boost memory power and concentration. Specially, when it have to match the missing dots.
9. Sports and Exercise.
Competitive sports are full of strategies. They force our mind to think accurate and faster. So, it’s a good help to stretch our memory muscles. Further, they develop fighting spirit, that motivates brain to keep on trying. At least 1 hour a day should be given to sports.
Exercise reduce insulin resistance, inflammation, and stimulate the release of growth factors. These chemicals in the brain affect health of brain cells, the growth of new blood vessels. Also, exercise improves mood and sleep, hence, reducing stress level.
Not only physical games but video games too are good aid. Video games helps to improve visuospatial skills with enhanced attention.
10. Take a break.
Continuous reading or learning can wore out mind faster. Hence, brain is not able to use its full capacity. Moreover, working for longer duration cause boredom and weak concentration, affecting work performance.
You have to understand that mind needs regular breaks. It’s good for releasing tension in mind muscles. Various reports suggests, taking a 10 min break after every 30 minutes of reading or hard work, increase efficiency. It’s always good to resume work with fresh mindset and better concentration. So do take break to improve memory and concentration.
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