

  • Is Your Gut Feeling Always Right? let’s find out

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    Gut feelings, also known as intuition, are the sudden but inexplicable senses about people, situations, or decisions. They often emerge without deliberate reasoning, making us wonder whether we should trust them. This blog post will cover the weird world of intuition while considering research-backed insights to understand better whether gut instincts are always reliable. The…

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  • What to Do If You Feel Lost in Life: A Complete Guide

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    About three years ago, my friend Sarah hit rock bottom. She was in her late twenties, with a job she did not enjoy, and asking herself, “Is this all there is?”. Yes, on paper, she had everything that a normal person wants, like a steady paycheck, a cozy apartment, and supportive friends. But deep down,…

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  • The Science Of Your Gut Feelings And Why Your Instincts Matter

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    Have you ever made a decision without fully understanding why? Or have you experienced a strong sense of knowing something without concrete evidence? These instances are often known as “gut feelings.” In this blog post, we will explore what gut feelings are, their meaning, and the science behind them. We will look into some examples…

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  • The Ultimate List Of 50 Resolutions To Inspire Your 2025 Goals

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    As the new year approaches, many of us start considering resolutions. These resolutions are aimed at improving ourselves and making positive changes in life. Although New Year’s resolutions are popular, let’s face it: many of us fail to keep them. Why? Unrealistic goals, lack of a plan, and losing motivation. Why set New Year’s resolutions?…

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  • How Meditation Can Help You Overcome Anxiety And Overthinking

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    Anxiety is characterized by problematic levels of excessive worry that develop into a vicious cycle, further strengthening the symptoms. Today’s life is fast-paced, and therefore it is not a surprise that many people experience anxiety. Seeking help from a therapist or a prescription is not a bad option, but many individuals are looking at better…

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  • Sleep Anxiety: Understanding Its Causes, Effects, and Strategies

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    sleep anxiety

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  • What to Say When Someone Ghosts You? Here’s how to deal

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    It feels frustrating and stinks to be ghosted. This surely is one of the worst feelings, right? You think things are going well, and then suddenly, the other person just disappears without a trace. There is hardly any explanation, no closure—like you never existed for them. You are not alone if you want to know…

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  • signs of emotional abuse in a relationship

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    Most of us enter into a relationship carrying our unique identity and behavior. Things in the starting do seem smooth until they start taking ugly turns. What’s more confusing is the identification of getting emotionally abused in a relationship. This article covers some of the crucial signs of emotional abuse in a relationship. What is…

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  • What to say to someone who is going through a difficult time

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    How often does it happen when you understand the feelings of a struggling loved one but still can’t find the right words of support? It doesn’t matter how concerned you are, but what to say to someone going through a difficult time is very important. Some statements are warm blankets for someone going through a…

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  • Stop Being too Nice and Stop being a scapegoat

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    Has anyone recently taken advantage of your good nature? But then you must have felt angry at yourself for being too nice. You must have felt that if only I had drawn a line earlier perhaps they would not have taken my advantage. Not being able to stop being too nice makes you an easy…

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  • The Art of Emotional Manipulation: Inside of a Victim Narcissist

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    Have you ever come across someone who seems to take any problem very seriously? Have you ever wondered why they present themselves as the only ones experiencing difficulties? Step into the world of the victim narcissist, where self-pity reigns supreme and placing blame is an artistic endeavor. Some may be fooled by theatrics, but behind…

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  • The Healing Magic of Tears for Mental Wellness

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    Tears become silent storytellers of the soul in the quiet nooks of our lives where words frequently fail. Crying is a very human experience that provides a deep connection to our emotions, going much beyond the surface-level manifestations. Tears are a sign of strength, a normal process that is built into the fabric of our…

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  • Crush Narcissist Guilt Trips with Strategies – Reclaim power now!

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    Picture this: you’re navigating through life, feeling confident and in control, until suddenly, someone hits you with a guilt trip. Consequently, your emotions are sent into a tailspin. It’s akin to wandering through a maze of mirrors, where reality blurs, leaving you questioning your own sanity. But, fear not, because, in the midst of this…

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  • Why Do I Cry When I Talk About My Feelings? Exploring Emotions

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    Have you ever noticed how your voice trembles and tears unexpectedly well up when you open up about your deepest feelings? It’s as if the floodgates of emotion swing wide open, letting a torrent of tears pour forth. If you’ve ever wondered, “Why do I cry when I talk about my feelings?” you’re not alone….

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  • How To Stop Overthinking| 7 Simple And Effective Ways

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    “I never feel alone, thoughts accompany me all the time”. But when these thoughts become overwhelming, we start feeling exhausted. Overthinking is nothing but dwelling on the same thoughts to the extent of getting anxious. Instead of solving the problem, our mind rehash conversations that aren’t productive. There are 2 possible patterns of overthinking. Rumination…

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  • How To Avoid Procrastination And Get Back To Work

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    Before you close this tab again(what procrastinators are best at), let me claim the next 10 minutes spent reading the article can make you worse procrastinator. The hustle to avoid procrastinating seems never ending and somewhere we accept it as an intact part of life. What’s more funny, as time passes we become habitual procrastinators….

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  • Understanding An Introvert Personality Type

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    Introverts are very unpredictable, aren’t they? We’re never sure of what’s there in their mind. This make them special and unique, often leave most people furious. Also, the curiosity to know introvert’s behavior leave many myths around them. In this blog we’ll try to break those myths to understand introvert personality type and how their…

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  • 30 Heart Warming Quotes On Friendship

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    (Do share these heart warming quotes on friendship with your friends) What is friendship ? It’s about having someone by your side, who loves you unconditionally. Whatever be the situation, he won’t judge you, as mere reaction. Most importantly, won’t leave you in tough times. Friendship is one of the most beautiful gift of humankind….

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  • How To Improve Your Personality With Right Approach

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    (Learn how to improve your personality with right approach)     How good if I tell you that improving personality just need one thing. Yes you heard it right, and that magical thing is “a process”. Which follows an inward to outward path or approach. Most people misunderstood personality with something “to show off” or…

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  • 25 Best Quotes On Rain | Life & Inspiration

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    Rain has something mischievous about it. That’s the reason why it hold secrets of so many hearts. Whenever it rains, life gets an amazing reason to charge up, to see world from a different perspective. This is true that words aren’t enough to explain this beautiful gift of nature. But quotes on rain, though with…

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  • 10 Best Ways to Improve Memory and Concentration

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    (Simple strategies all can use to improve memory and concentration)   Technology made our life easy, contrary, forced us to depend on it. Undoubtedly, Gadgets are now our go to option for various tasks. But somewhere, this comfort is seizing our mental and physical health. This change in lifestyle had a major impact on our…

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  • How to Break a Bad Habit scientifically |Life Hack

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      Ηabits are eternal part of our life. There’re habits which make lifestyle better whereas other make it worst. Ironically, we easily identify a bad habit but still find it difficult to get rid of it. Before learning how to break bad habit let’s understand how they get planted in our lifestyle. There are 3…

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  • Overcome fear of Public Speaking with these 3 Rules

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    I still remember while being in 10th standard and getting a chance to deliver speech in a contest. It was exciting as public speaking was one of those things that always fascinated me. But contrary, I was nervous too….well would say scared. With this mix bag of emotions I started my preparation. It included practicing lines…

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  • How To Make Friends | 7 Proven Tips

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    What if I tell you that social anxiety is world number two fear.  Social anxiety pulls you down when it comes to building connections. That’s why there’re several people struggling with the fear of rejection and feel hesitant about making friends.  Making friends is a beautiful journey rather than a struggle. It’s about believing the…

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